Weekends are for baking, right?

So I’ll let you in on a not at all secret: I love dessert. As far as I’m concerned, no meal is complete without something sweet to end it. And while being skinny is certainly not my top priority (not even in my top ten priorities), being healthier is. With that in mind, I’ve been Pinteresting some “healthy” dessert recipes and thought I’d take you along for the ride.

First up: Vanilla Greek Yogurt Soufflés which are suppose to “taste like cheesecake” with only 80 calories a serving and 7g of protein. First impression, obviously too good to be true and the word souffles makes me think this’ll end up on the Pinterest fail blog but, as with most things in life, I was wrong.

This is what the Pinterest picture looked like:

greek yogurt soufle theirs

And this is mine!


So good, right?! I know their picture is prettier (I promise the photography will improve) but I actually got height! I souffléd something! And I promise it tasted delicious too. I would advise doubling the amount of vanilla you put in and adding maybe not even a quarter cup of sugar because it does taste a lot like greek yogurt, but I know we’ll be making them again. Even the boyfriend loved them (he ate two in one sitting). So bring on the healthy dessert revolution! Tomorrow maybe I’ll try something with coconut milk…I’ve heard that’s a good substitution.